
What is an ARC concessionary TV Licence?

If you live in sheltered or residential care accommodation, you may qualify for a reduced fee licence. The Accommodation for Residential Care (ARC) licence costs £7.50 each year if you’re under 75.

To apply, please speak to your warden or care home administrator.

Please don’t cancel your existing licence or Direct Debit (if this is how you pay) until your warden or administrator has confirmed you’ve been added to the ARC scheme.

More information for care home residents.

If you’re a warden or administrator, find out how to apply.

What are preserved rights for an ARC concession?

If you live in sheltered accommodation which lost its Accommodation for Residential Care (ARC) concession after 1 June 1998, you may have preserved rights. This could mean you still qualify for an ARC concession. Preserved rights apply to existing occupants who:

  • are under 75; and
  • were covered by a full ARC licence on or after 1 June 1998 in that scheme.

The concession cannot be moved to another scheme.

If you are aged 75 or over and qualify for ARC preserved rights you will be eligible for a free TV licence, without needing to be in receipt of Pension Credit.

To find out more, please contact your warden or administrator.

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