
Residential care homes and sheltered accommodation

As a manager of a residential care home, supported housing or sheltered accommodation, you need to make sure that residents, staff and guests are covered by a TV Licence if they need one.

An accommodation for residential care (ARC) concessionary TV Licence costs £7.50 per room, flat or bungalow. You can download forms to make a new application or add a resident to an existing scheme.

To see if your scheme qualifies for an ARC licence, please check below.

Does your accommodation qualify for a concessionary licence?

A care home

Registered under the Care Standards Act 2000.

An almshouse

Where the building itself, land it was built on or charity was established before 1 November 1949.

Or sheltered/supported accommodation

  1. Housed in a building that has been erected or converted for the purposes of occupation by residents that are retired and over 60, or disabled
  2. Forming part of a group of at least four dwellings within a common and exclusive boundary (up to 25% of units in a scheme can be properties purchased under the ‘Right to Buy’ legislation)
  3. Provided or managed by a not for profit organisation; including local authority or a housing associations
  4. With a person whose role is to care for the needs of the residents (e.g. a warden) and who either lives on site or works there for at least 30 hours a week, excluding on-call hours.
What needs to be covered

Communal areas, guest rooms and staff accommodation

If a licence is required you’ll need to be covered by a full licence. A TV Licence costs £169.50.

Staff or their families living in accommodation are responsible for ensuring that they are correctly licensed.

Pay for your TV Licence

If you’re sure you don’t need a licence, please let us know.

Residents' accommodation

If your residents qualify for an ARC licence, this costs £7.50 per room, flat or bungalow.

Do your residents qualify for a concessionary licence?

Your residents qualify if they are:


They must be 60 years old or over. If they’re in paid work, this must be for no more than 15 hours per week.

Or disabled

They must have substantially impaired sight, hearing or speech, a mental disorder or be substantially physically disabled by illness, any impairment present from birth or otherwise.

Preserved rights

There may be occasions where certain residents still qualify for a concession, but the scheme has lost its concession.

Find out more about preserved rights.

Claiming a refund

You can claim a refund for a resident's full fee TV Licence if:

They’ve already paid for a TV Licence and now qualify for an ARC licence.

Please complete a resident addition form and then send to the address below. We will add the resident to the existing scheme and refund their TV Licence.

TV Licensing
Concessionary Licensing Centre
DL98 1TL

Renewing an ARC Licence

ARC Licence for 25 or fewer residents

If you are renewing the ARC Licence for 25 or fewer residents, you can do this by completing our online form.

Renew your ARC Licence online.

ARC Licence for 26 or more residents

Step 1

Please complete the Resident Details forms below before you start your online ARC renewal.

Please make sure you complete the correct forms based on the age of your residents.

Step 2
Renew your ARC Licence online, where you will be asked to upload the Resident Details forms.

Renew your ARC Licence online.

Applying for a new ARC Licence

Download and complete the relevant forms and return by post to the address given below. Use the forms to apply for a new ARC scheme or to add residents to an existing ARC scheme.

Please note: We no longer need you to provide your residents’ National Insurance numbers on the application form.

ARC new application guidance notes

Adding residents to an existing ARC Licence

NOTE - Please make sure all residents are aware that while this additional application is being processed they need to be covered by their own licence. Residents should not assume they are covered by an ARC concessionary licence until confirmed by TV Licensing. Please use additional forms as necessary.

When you have completed the forms

Once you’ve completed the New application or Resident addition forms above, please send them to:

TV Licensing
Concessionary Licence Centre
DL98 1TL

Further information

Please contact us if you would like more help in finding out if your accommodation qualifies for this licence:

*Calls to our 0300 numbers cost no more than a national rate call to an 01 or 02 number, whether from a mobile or landline. If you get inclusive minutes, calls to an 0300 number will be included free of charge.


General information about TV Licensing is available in other languages: