We aim to provide the highest standards of service at all times.
We’re committed to protecting your privacy and following the requirements set out in the GDPR and Data Protection Act 2018. View our TV Licensing Privacy Policy.
When we need to check whether a household requires a TV Licence, we’ll do so fairly and in the least intrusive way possible.
We aim to process complaints quickly and make sure that all our investigations are thorough and fair.
We aim to deliver the highest standards of customer service.
We’ll be courteous at all times.
We’ll answer all calls, letters and emails quickly and politely. We aim to get it right first time.
We’ll act fairly and consistently towards all customers within the terms of the law and policies governing the TV Licence. Visit Legislation and Policy for more information.
We’ll help customers find the method of payment that suits them.
Respecting our staff
When our visiting officers visit a property they will:
Confirm they are at the correct address and speaking with a responsible person.
Prove their identity by showing an identity card. If requested, they’ll also provide a phone number so the person being visited can confirm the information on the card. This service is available up until 6.30pm Monday – Friday.
Explain why they are visiting and be polite, courteous and fair.
Enter the property only when given permission.
In certain circumstances, officers may request for a detection visit be made, or apply to Court for a search warrant, if there is reason to suspect someone at the address is:
This includes recording and downloading. On any device.
Follow applicable laws, regulations, policies and codes of practice.
Respect people’s rights to privacy and confidentiality.
Stop the visit if asked to leave.
When necessary conduct a record of interview under caution, and ensure the interviewee is aware of the potential consequences of watching live on any channel, TV service or streaming service, or using BBC iPlayer* on any device, without being covered by a TV Licence.
Respecting our staff
*A licence is not needed to watch S4C programmes on demand.