
TV Licensing use of body worn video equipment

Why are some TV Licensing visiting officers wearing body worn video equipment?

Capita Business Services Ltd (Capita), who are contracted to enforce the TV Licence, use body worn video equipment to help safeguard the health and safety of their employees and to deter physical and serious verbal assaults against them. The equipment can be used to record evidence of any incidents which may occur. Capita’s body worn video equipment privacy notice below explains in more detail why video equipment is being used, what personal data is captured and how it is used.

Is the video equipment recording constantly?

The video recording equipment is only activated when the visiting officer feels their health and safety could be at risk because of the situation they are in, or the way they are spoken to for example. In standby mode the equipment records for 90 seconds, over-writing in a loop to ensure that anything which may happen in the lead up to the officer activating it is captured, but this recording is only saved if the equipment is activated.

How do I know if the equipment has been activated?

A red light will be displayed to indicate it is recording, an audible beep will also notify you that the recording has been turned on / off. The officer will also tell anyone present that the equipment is recording, unless it’s impractical for them to be able to do so.

Does the recording capture video and sound?

Yes, it is important that video and sound are recorded if it is necessary to activate the recording. A sound recording may capture vital information that is not in the view of the camera.

Will the visiting officer stop the recording if I ask them to?

Not necessarily. The recording provides an accurate record of events for the benefit of the officer and those present, so he or she will continue recording until they consider any risk to their safety has passed.

Is the officer allowed to video in my home?

Yes, if the recording can be justified as being necessary and proportionate.

Can I get a copy of the recording?

Yes, if your image or voice is captured in the recording then you have the right to receive a copy of it. You will need to contact Capita’s Data Protection Officer to make that request and Capita’s Privacy Notice below explains how to do this.

Will my data be shared with anyone else?

Capita may share your personal data with their contractors and suppliers in accordance with their instructions and with the police or other law enforcement agency if required to do so or otherwise to protect their rights or the rights of anyone else. Capita may also share the video footage with the BBC if it’s relevant and necessary. More information on this can be found in Capita’s privacy notice.



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