
What do I need to do if a free TV Licence holder dies?

Firstly, don't worry. Anyone who was living at the address is covered until the licence expires.

If the licence holder was living alone

If you are the executor you can or cancel the licence.

There is no refund available because the licence is issued free of charge.

If another person was living with the licence holder as part of their household

The free TV Licence will continue to cover anybody who was living with the licence holder as part of their household until the licence expires.

If anyone else is living at the address we will need to send a reminder to the correct person when the free TV Licence expires.

Please contact us on 0300 790 6117* to let us know the licence holder has passed away along with the new licence holder’s details.

If anyone else living at the address is 74 or over and receives Pension Credit, they can apply for a free TV Licence.

More information about how to apply

If no one is living at the address you can contact us to tell us your property is empty and the date when you expect it to be occupied. We will cancel the free TV Licence and will not send any letters for up to 6 months.

Who can contact us?

In some cases we will require this information from either

  • the executor; or
  • a member of the deceased licence holder's household.

*Calls to our 0300 numbers cost no more than a national rate call to an 01 or 02 number, whether from a mobile or landline. If you get inclusive minutes, calls to an 0300 number will be included free of charge.


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