
TV Licensing: Avoid a world cup penalty with a TV Licence

Ahead of World Cup fever this summer, TV Licensing is reminding pubs and sports clubs across the UK to check they are correctly covered by a TV Licence to avoid falling foul of a penalty.

Any pub, club or sporting venue which shows live television must have a valid TV Licence. Pubs without a valid licence are breaking the law and publicans run the risk of a court prosecution and fine of up to £1,000 per offence, plus costs.

TV Licensing is mailing unlicensed businesses, including pubs, before the tournament kicks off on the 14 June to remind them that if they are planning to show or record live matches to staff or customers, they must be covered by a TV Licence. If you receive one of these letters you can purchase your TV Licence online.

Jason Hill, TV Licensing spokesperson, said:

Many fans and supporters will choose to watch key matches at their club or one of the 50,800 pubs1 across the UK. It’s important pubs and clubs know the score, which is why we’ve issued advice to landlords and Managers so they can stay within the law.

Landlords or managers who would like more information about TV Licensing requirements, or ways to spread the cost, can call the TV Licensing businesses team on 0300 790 6131 or visit www.tvlicensing.co.uk/businessinfo.

A TV in the Workplace Policy is also available to help managers and landlords explain TV Licensing rules to staff in the workplace. Download the Policy at http://bit.ly/1BLsP7b. If there is living accommodation on the premises where a TV is also in use, this must be covered by a separate licence.


1 British Beer and Pub Association

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