
Hotel and mobile units

To apply for a hotel and mobile units TV Licence, please answer the following questions. Once you have completed the online application form, you will need to print it out and post it to us.

Your Session Has Expired

Television type details

Do you have any black and white television sets?

Hotel and mobile TV licence details

Is this your first hotel and mobile units TV Licence?

What type of accommodation do you require a TV Licence for?

To start please choose the type of site to be licenced

Please note, you will need to print out this application form at the end of the process.

Paying for your hotel and mobile units TV Licence

You must pay the TV Licence fee in full as there is no facility to spread the cost.

The following payment options are available to you

  • Cheque or postal order
  • BACS

Please send your completed application form to:

TV Licensing
Payments and Commercial Licensing
DL98 1TL

General information about TV Licensing is available in other languages: