
Can I transfer my TV Licence to another person?

If you’re moving home

Yes. You can only transfer your TV Licence to someone who is living at the same address and is covered by your current TV Licence. To do this, we require written permission from yourself, the current TV Licence holder, confirming the above.

You’ll need to give us the following details:

  • Confirmation the new TV Licence holder is covered by the current TV Licence
  • Your name (current TV Licence holder)
  • TV Licence number

To transfer your TV Licence to someone else who is already covered by the licence, and lives at the same address, please call 0300 790 6085* (our lines are open between 8.30am and 6.30pm, from Monday to Friday).

If the other person has moved in after you have moved out you’ll need to cancel your licence. Find out more about moving address.

Not moving but want to change the ownership of the licence?

Want to pay for someone else?

You don’t have to transfer the licence if you want to pay for someone else.

*Calls to our 0300 numbers cost no more than a national rate call to an 01 or 02 number, whether from a mobile or landline. If you get inclusive minutes, calls to an 0300 number will be included free of charge.


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