
BBC iPlayer and the TV Licence – the law is changing

On 7 July the government announced that the law is changing. From 1 September 2016 you will need to be covered by a TV Licence to watch or download BBC programmes on demand, including catch up TV, on BBC iPlayer, no matter how you access it.

As before, your licence will still be needed to watch or record any live TV on any channel, no matter what device you use. Live TV means any programme you watch or record at the same time as it's being shown on TV or live on an online TV service.

So, if you already have a TV Licence on 1 September, you’re already covered.

Find out more about the law change.

What does 'on demand' mean?

Any programme you download or watch that is not being shown as live TV – including catch up TV. These programmes can be accessed on a website or through an app on a smart TV, computer, digital box or any other device. On demand also includes exclusive programmes that are only available online.

Will I have to pay extra or get a second TV Licence?

No. One licence will cover you to watch or record all live TV programmes on any channel, and to download or watch on demand programmes on BBC iPlayer.

General information about TV Licensing is available in other languages: