
Why do I need a TV Licence?

If you watch live on any channel, TV service or streaming service, or use BBC iPlayer, you need to be covered by a TV Licence.

This applies to any device you use, including a TV, computer, laptop, phone, tablet, games console or digital box.

You only need one TV Licence per household, even if you use more than one of the devices listed above.

A TV Licence costs £169.50 for colour TV, and £57.00 for black and white. Find out about ways to pay and reduced fee or concessionary TV Licences.

You could be prosecuted if we find that you have been watching, recording or downloading programmes illegally. The maximum penalty is a £1,000* fine plus any legal costs and/or compensation you may be ordered to pay.

*The maximum fine is £2,000 in Guernsey.


General information about TV Licensing is available in other languages: