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Over 75? Check if you can get a free TV Licence

View in Welsh

You can apply for a free TV Licence if:

  • You, as the licence holder, are 75 years or older
  • you, or your partner living at the same address, receive Pension Credit.

There are separate arrangements in place for over 75s on the Isle of Man, the Bailiwick of Jersey and the Bailiwick of Guernsey.

Receive Pension Credit? Learn how to get a free TV Licence

Already have a TV Licence?

If you already have a TV Licence, sign in and apply for your free TV Licence online.

As part of your application, we will check with the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) to make sure you are in receipt of Pension Credit. Please ensure the name on the TV Licence matches the name held by DWP.

Don’t have a current TV Licence?

If you think you’re eligible for a free licence but don’t have a current TV Licence or can’t sign in, you can still apply online.

Applying for a free TV Licence online before you reach 75

If you already receive Pension Credit, you can apply for your free licence when you are 74 years old. We’ll update your payments to cover you until your 75th birthday, and then you'll be covered by your free licence. We’ll confirm this in writing.

If you’re blind (severely sight impaired) and can provide the appropriate evidence, you’re eligible to apply for a 50% concession. Once your blind application has been accepted you can then apply for a free TV Licence.

Not eligible for a free TV Licence? Renew or pay for your TV Licence

Currently paying for a TV Licence?

Please continue to make your payments to stay covered. If you need to, you can renew your licence online.

Not covered by a TV Licence?

If you need a TV Licence and are not currently paying for one please buy a licence now.

Find out about ways to pay.

Not on Pension Credit but think you might be eligible?

If you don’t have Pension Credit but think you may be eligible for it, it’s worth checking.

  • Pension Credit tops up your retirement income
  • The average Pension Credit payment is over £67 per week†
  • You might be eligible even if you have a pension, savings or own your home
  • It not only allows you to claim a free TV Licence, but it can also help with:
– housing costs,
– heating bills,
– Council tax,
– NHS dental care,
– and more.

It’s easy to check if you can get Pension Credit. Just call the Department for Work and Pensions on 0800 99 1234 (opening hours 8.00am - 6.00pm) or go to gov.uk/pension-credit.

If you live in Northern Ireland, call the Northern Ireland Pension Centre on 0808 100 6165. Or go to nidirect.gov.uk/pension-credit.

Please note, TV Licensing is unable to advise on Pension Credit eligibility.


If you’ve been paying for a TV Licence when you were eligible for a free one, you may be due a refund. We will process this as part of your application.

Have your circumstances changed?

If the licence holder has died

Please contact us on 0300 790 6117* to let us know who we should transfer the licence to. If you live at the same address, you’ll be covered until the current licence expires.

If you’re eligible, you can then apply for a new free TV Licence. If not, you’ll need to buy a new licence when the current one expires.

More help and advice about what to do if the licence holder dies.

If you’ve moved home

You can move your licence to your new address by updating your details online.

If you’ve moved into a residential care home

If you’re 75 or over and live in a residential care home, you may be covered by an ARC TV Licence and won’t have to pay for a licence even if you don’t receive Pension Credit. Please speak to your care home administrator.

Any other questions?

If you would prefer to apply for a free TV Licence by phone, please call 0300 790 6117* and speak to one of our advisors (our lines are open between 8.30am and 6.30pm, from Monday to Friday).

Pension Credit is a benefit available to pensioners on low incomes. It is separate from the state pension.

You might be eligible even if you have a pension, savings or own your home. It also helps with housing costs, heating bills, Council tax, NHS dental care and more.

The free TV Licence for people aged 75 or over applies to those in receipt of either part of Pension Credit – Guarantee Credit or Savings Credit (or both).

It’s easy to check if you can get Pension Credit. Just call the Department for Work and Pensions on 0800 99 1234 (opening hours 8.00am - 6.00pm) or visit gov.uk/pension-credit.

If you live in Northern Ireland, call the Northern Ireland Pension Centre on 0808 100 6165. Or visit nidirect.gov.uk/pension-credit.

You can check your bank or building society statement where The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) pay your benefit. You should see an entry with your National Insurance Number followed by the letters “PC”.

Additionally, DWP will have sent you an entitlement letter showing your new rate of Pension Credit payable.

Currently, attendance allowance does not qualify you for a free TV Licence.

Current TV Licence fee concessions are available for people aged 75 and over who receive Pension Credit, those who are blind or severely sight impaired, people who live in qualifying residential care, and businesses that offer overnight accommodation, such as hotels.

One licence covers your principal household, regardless of who lives there. So only one of you needs to apply for a free TV Licence.

Yes. Your free TV Licence will also cover any person(s) younger than 75 living at your main address, until the licence expires.

No. Anyone covered by a free TV Licence at their main address is not entitled to a further free licence for any other address.

If a licence is needed, please buy one now.

No, it’s still possible to get your TV Licence for free if you’re 75 or over and you, or your partner living at the same address, are receiving Pension Credit.

There are other concessions available if:

  • You live in qualifying residential care
  • You are blind or severely sight impaired
  • You own a business that provides overnight accommodation.

You can apply for a free TV Licence online or call 0300 790 6117.

There is no free TV Licence for over 60s. Free TV Licences are only available if you’re 75 or over and you, or your partner living at the same address, are receiving Pension Credit.

If you need any other help, please see the ways to contact us.

†Source: Department for Work and Pensions – August 2022

*Calls to our 0300 numbers cost no more than a national rate call to an 01 or 02 number, whether from a mobile or landline. If you get inclusive minutes, calls to an 0300 number will be included free of charge.


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